As simple as this question sounds... It might not be simple for some people, or for most of the people...?
Have you ever though about what you really want? What would you do if you would not need money to live? or what would you do if you had loads of money to live and then you would not need to work anymore, how would you spend your time then?
I am speaking about the money straight away just in my second article because for a big amount of people money is an issue or is important to achieve full happiness and so on.
The quiestion is if it is really worth it when you have to spend most of your time doing something you don´t like doing. Wouldn´t it make more sense if you spend your time doing something you love doing and are passionate about? It is definately worth it!

You can be the best in anything if you are passionate about it!
So now everybody just think... What do I really want? What´s my plan?
And... Make a list! Write it down!
Next article will be about how to get what we want!
Have a good night, day!
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