That's the answer we are all looking for, isn't it?
Let it become true, let's make the world a happy place to live.
Who does like to feel happiness around them? who does like to feel the conexion with the rest of the world? or would like to feel it?
Let's change the world, and when I say this I am serious about it.
There are things we don't like about others and ways of doing things we don't like either. Everything can be changed! Everything can be changed!
But if you can not change absolutaly everything around you do small steps.
By working on yourself. By being flexible and accepting differences of people it's a good starting point to become definately happier.
This blog is about MAKING PEOPLE HAPPIER by sharing, inspiring, feeling (getting) the connection with others.
Everybody have had a happy moment in their lives and if not it's time to start!
Happiness it's different for everybody, you don't have to follow other's people hapiness if it is not for you!
There are general things that definately make people happier, like loving at theirselves (not speaking about being selfish) and achieving their dreams, something that you can only get by following them!
You have to love yourself to be able to love others.
You have to respect yourself to be able to respect others.
The picture below is beautiful yeah! but we don't mean only to make the world colorful outside (which would not be a bad idea for the dark cities!) but make it collorful inside ourselves.
We all create our world, OUR REALLITY!
Looking forward to hear from all of you!